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Two new Tiny Forests in Griesheim

Another planting event took place on the edge of the Griesheim cemetery and on a neighbouring, somewhat smaller lawn in the adjacent residential area from 17-18 November. In total, over 150 people were again actively involved in the campaign.

First of all, the turf was removed and a considerable amount of rubble was fished out of the ground. Subsequently, over 90 m³ of compost/Terra Preta substrate was added to the area. In total, almost 1900 plants were transplanted from the local, potentially natural vegetation.

The main planting event, covering an area of over 600 m², took place next to the cemetery and both passers-by from the housing estate and mourners were interested and expressly welcomed the project.


On the planting day itself, four school classes from the Carlo Mierendorff School were involved and started planting with great motivation. It was great to see how enthusiastic the pupils were about the topic of nature and how well informed some of them were. Others had hardly any idea about planting/nature and were also totally committed. The joy of experiencing new and practical knowledge literally spread to everyone else involved.

During the first day, almost all the plants were transplanted and a lot of woodchips were brought in, and during the second day, the remaining work was completed with great commitment from the helpers. Despite a few rain showers, the participants were not deterred from their commitment and actively supported the campaign.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the catering team around Walther, the volunteer fire brigade, and especially the employees of the city of Griesheim, who all provided active support. This also applies to all other volunteers!


Your MIYA team

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