Research topics
for Bachelor- and Mastertheses

The scientific monitoring and evaluation of our work is particularly important to us! We are therefore delighted when students take a closer look at various topics as part of their final theses. Feel free to contact us at info@miya-forest.de to work on one of the following topics.
Here is a list of relevant research topics:
Absorption capacity of CO2 in the soil with different soil tillage methods: with/without mulching; with/without Terra Preta; with/without soil loosening
Cooling effects of a Tiny Forest on the environment
Absorption capacity of water in the soil with different soil treatments: with/without mulching; with/without Terra Preta; with/without soil loosening
How much green forest area networks of Tiny Forests in cities are necessary for verifiable cooling and water absorption effects (ratio of sealed to unsealed area, ...)?
ow does biodiversity (flora and fauna) change over the years in a Tiny Forest? Also in comparison to the original area (fallow land, sealed urban area, etc.)?
Which tree species become established? Which site factors are responsible for this?
Microscopy analysis of soil samples in Tiny Forests in comparison to other areas (monocultures, near-natural forests, fallow land, etc.), determination of microbes, fungi, etc.
Development and application of measuring stations to measure soil temperature, soil moisture, air temperature and air humidity
To what extent does the participation of helpers and children affect their perception of nature/sustainable behaviour
What are the socio-ecological advantages/disadvantages of the participation of helpers and children?
What opportunities are there for citizen science projects and how can they be implemented in practice?
Research on how participation/citizen involvement can be sustainably and successfully integrated into project management
How can mushrooms be integrated into the Tiny Forest and which mushroom cultures are particularly suitable? What ecological and climate change-related advantages and disadvantages would this have
Cultivation and innoculation/innoculation method of mycorrhizal fungi, development of an experimental setup
Cultivation of edible forest mushrooms in the Tiny Forest (sulphur mushroom, oyster mushroom, chanterelle?...) In dead wood, in wood chip mulch layer, develop set-up for school classes to cultivate themselves
Combination of Food Forest/Miyawaki Forest, develop design, species composition, care... Further development of Tiny Forest
How can permaculture approaches be integrated into the Tiny Forest concept?
Should PNV continue to be the focus with regard to climate change or is it sensible to expand it to include other climate-adapted tree/shrub species? What needs to be considered?
Research into different tree species that could be used in urban areas (site requirements, capabilities...). Keyword climate-adapted tree species, developing completely new ecosystems...
Climate change mitigation
Climate change adaption (cooling effects)
Climate change adaption (water management)
Climate change adaption
(cooling effects, water management)
Inner climate Tiny Forest
Development Tiny Forest
Development Tiny Forest
Development Tiny Forest
Development Tiny Forest
(eatable Tiny Food Forest)
Development Tiny Forest
Development Tiny Forest
(tree species)
Development Tiny Forest
(tree species)