Our motivation
What do we want? - A better world, of course! For us and all those who come after us. A major goal of global concern. It's complicated and takes time – but we're already going out and getting to work! We want to plant, create natural spaces, conduct research, promote biodiversity and actively protect the climate and the environment.
Through innovative concepts, we strengthen the connection between people and nature and create space for social and ecological diversity. As part of a global and growing network, we want to help shape a future-orientated social transformation! This is what MIYA forest e.V. stands for!

Education for sustainable development
A healthy world starts with each and every one of us connecting with nature! The earlier we learn to take responsibility for our environment and recognise that we are part of it, the sooner we can create a future worth living for future generations. We want to convey hope through our projects and bring people closer together through a shared mission.

For the green city of tomorrow
The consequences of climate change have long since arrived in Germany and, despite the successful reduction of CO2 emissions and increasing environmental awareness among the population, the climate resilience of cities must be strengthened in order to meet the challenges of the future. In this respect, the Tiny Forest concept offers a promising, holistic approach. It allows small areas with low ecological value to be transformed into micro-ecosystems within a very short space of time, significantly improving the quality of life in cities.

History of MIYA e.V.
In the summer of 2019, Lukas Steingässer met Daan Bleichrodt in the Netherlands. Daan works for the environmental education institute IVN natuur educatie, mainly planting Tiny Forests using the Miyawaki method with school classes and local residents. Inspired by this concept, Lukas is determined to bring this method to Germany. Together with Stefan Scharfe, he is realising a 700 m2 model forest in the Uckermark, the Forest of Diversity, following successful crowd funding. The positive feedback from all the helpers, the very good development of the mini-forest and an unexpectedly large wave of media attention made the two initiators realise that a lot can be set in motion here. Lars Röhling and Lukas Behringer expand the team and while the next Tiny Forests are already being planned, a phase of structuring and alignment begins. After various attempts, the team finally decides to go down the non-profit route: In spring 2021, the Inner Forests e.V. association is founded, which is soon renamed MIYA e.V. - in honour of Akira Miyawaki, pioneer of the Tiny Forest planting method.